Tuesday, April 9, 2013

WEEK 12...Nikki and Jodi reflect on their half-way point to this journey along with making healthy choices eating on the go.

Nikki and I are half way through her lifestyle change package and going strong!  We discussed this week the positive behavioral changes she has been implementing such as eating healthier, packing her meals/snacks and being “aware and accountable” of her lifestyle that is supporting her efforts.  I am seeing consistent effort on her part and continued strides and thirst for knowledge every week.  I am confident she will continue to successfully reach her goals the remaining 12 weeks and looking forward to our journey togetherJ

Nutritional Homework
Our nutritional topic for this week was restaurant do’s & don’ts.  We discussed the importance of going to restaurants with a “plan” such as eating regular meals/snacks throughout the day.  It’s important that she isn’t setting herself up for overeating by not eating enough.  I have also recommended reviewing the restaurant’s nutritional guide before entering the dimly-lit restaurant which is full of delicious, tantalizing aromas.  I have also encouraged her to feel confident in special ordering items as to how she would like them prepared, such as ordering vegetables “steamed without butter” or ordering salad dressings/sauces “on the side” so that she can control what & how much she is consuming.  Every meal out in restaurants and fast food can be a step back in weight loss as there is so much hidden fat, sugar, sodium and calories – especially in salads and soups which are thought to be healthier options.  The key is researching restaurant nutritional guides and limiting your meals out.  If you have cravings for certain foods – start preparing them at home with good quality ingredients so that you can still enjoy those foods and feel confident you are working towards your weight loss goals.

Exercise Homework
Due to time limitations this week, Nikki is going to continue to work on her current strength training program until we meet next week and can update.  However, we added the Arc Trainer and Stepper for variety on her cardio days.  I believe these machines will challenge her aerobically and also be a nice addition and change to break up the monotony to her regular cardio sessions.

Nikki’s Comments:
Three months into this journey already?!  Yikes - I feel like I still have SO much to learn and accomplish to reach my healthy lifestyle goals.  BUT I am feeling much healthier than I’ve been in several years.  What’s new?  I’m regularly exercising and actually missing it when I can’t fit a workout in (a totally foreign concept before!).  I’m sleeping better, and having new conversations with my children about being active and making healthy food choices.

I’m paying attention to everything I eat.  I can’t say I’ve mastered this skill – I still catch myself popping in a random teddy graham without a thought, but I’m no longer grazing on snacks throughout the day.  I’m writing everything down to stay aware – owning up to everything, even the Easter candy I had this week!  I’m reading food labels and trying to choose more wisely.  I’m rarely drinking pop (a big change for me!) and I’m pairing together carbs and proteins, while eating more vegetables overall.

I’m also eating out far less frequently.  I never realized how much we ate out before, or that making a ‘healthy’ choice at a restaurant is still far from ideal.  I guess my motto was ‘ignorance is bliss’ – if it sounded good, I ordered it.  But at what cost?!  Of course it’s tasty – it’s full of calories, fat, and sugar!  I went to Chilis this week and was shocked to read that even the basic grilled chicken salad with vinaigrette dressing had 22 grams of fat.  The food industry doesn’t care about my health!  If we all knew what really happened behind the scenes with food processing/preparing, I don’t think we’d actually pay money to sit at their tables.  But we do because it’s convenient, fun and tasty.  And while I still enjoy dining out, I am now being mindful of how often I go, what I’m ordering, and how much I’m eating/drinking (just because they keep bringing those refills, doesn’t mean I need them!)

I’m happy about my progress but I’m scared too.  I said at the beginning of this journey that I didn’t want to ‘waste’ this incredible opportunity.  I worry that I’m not doing enough (that fear of failure seeping in again).  I’m just not ready for this experience to end.  It makes me look at the remaining 3 months with a renewed sense of appreciation.  Jodi’s guidance, expertise, and mentoring is invaluable. She is truly helping me reclaim my health – reclaim my life!  

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