Friday, June 28, 2013

WEEK 22...Nikki returns from a successful vacation of staying on track. Read about her confidence in finishing this portion of her Lifestyle Change strong.

Now that Nikki is home from vacation, it’s time to get refocused on her weight loss journey.  I was proud of Nikki for maintaining her weight on vacation.  That is success to not gain weight as she used the tools I have given her to leave her home and safety zone and feel confident balancing diet and exercise while having fun too! 

Nutritional Homework
As we have finally reached the summer season, I have asked Nikki to continue experimenting with whole foods and broaden her range of foods.  I have asked her to experiment with great whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa as they are loaded with fiber and nutrients.  I have also asked her to challenge herself with trying a new vegetable every week now that she will have more time to sample a variety of recipes.

Exercise Homework
Getting back into exercise I have added a different variation of the squat-n-press using a barbell.  I have also added a row movement using the barbell moving swiftly from one exercise to the next.  I have rounded out a full body circuit with dumbbell chest presses on an exercise ball which incorporates core and Nikki is continuing to master the dreaded lunges.  Way to go, Nikki.

Nikki’s Comments
With only a few weeks left in this Lifestyle Change, I’m feeling extra pressure to finish with strong results. I suppose I want to prove that good ole’ diet and exercise really is doable for someone with a lot of weight to lose and a lifetime of unhealthy habits to break. I want to make it count for the YMCA who really has given me the tools needed to change/save my life. And I hope to inspire others to become a better version of themselves by having the courage to face whatever they’re battling.

I know I’ll have good numbers to share soon, but I’m trying not to let the pressure of hitting a big goal, overshadow the successes I already know to be true. I’m finally ready to make this change. This is the new me, fighting to reclaim my health and quality of life with every workout and food choice. And I’m really doing it! It’s an exciting revelation. It sounds cheesy, but my future’s looking bright! J

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